Life of the Pacifist

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Life of the Pacifist
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Feb 20, 2021

Life of the Pacifist is the first episode of Das Pacito AMV Warriors. It details the life and times of Karl Marx, his founding of the Soviet Union and the Das Pacitos, and his death at the hands of Tsathoggua.


Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818, growing up alongside his brothers. He lived a fulfilling life promoting communism and having an anime made about him. On March 14, 1883, history dictates he died, but in the remix world he stayed alive, exclaiming "I LIIIIIIIIIVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" As it turned out, all of his bloodline could not die of natural causes; he decided to move to Russia, where after the First World War he overthrew the Tsar with Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, building up the Soviet Union as a Communist society. After going through WWII and gearing up for the Cold War, Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky decide to form a group of pacifists known as the Das Pacitos in the name of creating a better world.

The Das Pacitos have their first meeting in the IHOP atop Mount Everest, and after brief interruptions from Jerry and James D. Rockefeller, they are ready to begin. Three incredibly boring hours pass, concluding in Marx making a statement on why everyone should eat potato salad; after it ends, Marx calls Lenin and Trotsky aside and tells them that China didn't send a representative to the Das Pacitos meeting, blocked Marx on all frequencies, and invited him over. He doesn't see anything suspicious going on here, and has decided that the trio is going to China by jet to figure out what's wrong.

Upon arrival, they are immediately confronted by Mao Zedong and his army, and taken to an arena where they are pitted against the eldritch entity Tsathoggua. Trotsky calls the Das Pacitos for help, but the response isn't fast enough; Marx is killed by Tsathoggua while pleading for peace. Heartbroken, Trotsky and Lenin escape through the Chinese countryside, and Trotsky reassures Lenin by telling him that help is coming soon from the Das Pacitos' new secretary, whose name just happens to be Joseph Stalin. Stalin nukes the area.



Release announcement

Okay so as mentioned earlier I have been for a while working on a somewhat remix tree related project, basic being a comic made with google slides. It is a prequel that slowly reveals how it is connected to the remix tree throughout. It is divided into 5 main chapters, and 4 spin off OVAs (not technically OVAs but i call the that cuz meme) which I will be releasing 1 a day in a particular order, until the end of break, where the final part and a document with easy links to all of them will be posted. Now without further ado here is the first chapter of the saga basically open it up in google slides. Make sure to GO INTO PRESENT MODE, then experience the bizarre story. You are also on comment mode so can comment on stuff if you want. Chapter 2 will be released sometime hopefully earlier tomorrow.