Scratch Cat

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Scratch Cat
Other Names
First Appearance
Source Media

Scratch Cat is the main mascot of Scratch, the website on which the remix tree is published. They are a member of the Das Pacitos.


Das Pacitos

They were enlisted into the Das Pacitos and attended the first meeting in the IHOP atop Mount Everest. Other than a brief and obnoxious appearance by James D. Rockefeller, the meeting was incredibly boring, and ended in a speech from Karl Marx about why everyone should eat potato salad.[1] After a meeting break, Lenin and Trotsky returned to announce that Marx had died, causing Scratch Cat and many others to abandon the group in disappointment.[2]

Modern day

Two copies of Scratch Cat appeared in an emoji world jittering around Killer Queen,[3] and later Anina Arquaz and the dancers as well.[4]

They were also involved in a dance party started by G-Man.[5]

Some time before Phoogo was summoned, they were near the same space, in a grassy landscape turning into various things.[6] While they were on a yacht trip, Franke later complained to Scratch Cat about Phoogo in the form of a rap, but Scratch Cat's only visible reaction was mild annoyance.[7]





