Multiple remix challenges have been done, involving getting several people to all make a contribution to the remix tree at once in a set amount of time.
First Challenge
The first challenge was undertaken by ZiqwerkelSharda and turtlehat during a study hall on November 14, 2019, as a test run proposed by ZiqwerkelSharda. The first wave was made in fifteen minutes, which was changed to twenty for the next two. The branches both stemmed from A really good idea to do, actually., and the main branch continued onwards from turtlehat's branch.
turtlehat's branch
ZiqwerkelSharda's branch
Second Challenge
The second challenge was the result of the "test run" that was the first challenge, and took place at a sleepover on January 2, 2020. AngieJones, turtlehat, fishfritters, and ZiqwerkelSharda all took part, making each remix in twenty minutes. Each branch stemmed from Час пригод настав, поспішай І на пошуки пригод вирушай Песик Джейк і хлопчик Фін Весело буде всім, and the main branch continued from ZiqwerkelSharda's branch into the Phoogo Saga.