Howod didrrawr you make this project? by @ZiqwArda

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Howod didrrawr you make this project? by @ZiqwArda
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Nov 14, 2019

Howod didrrawr you make this project? by @ZiqwArda is a project in the remix tree, and the fifty-eighth in the main branch. It is the third and final project in turtlehat's branch of the First Challenge, meaning it was made in only twenty minutes.


An OwO floats around in front of a video game leaderboard as chiptune music plays and the word "YEET" is shown in the background. Several copies of Asriel Dreemurr from Undertale are also present. When the player presses space, the OwO says "h-h-h-h-hey" and spawns several O-shaped objects. However, Frank proclaims it's time to stop, until he stutters in horrified realization that the O's are hatching. He flees. Dramatic music plays as the OwO's fly up to join the first one and spawn more eggs, which continues several times until the OwO's have spawned all they can and simply float around each other in a big cluster. As this progresses, turtlehat slowly appears in the background.


Remixed from

Remixed into


  • In the fictional dub of the remix tree, this project is renamed "How Cats Are Made!".[1]




use the number keys to scream in horror

Notes and Credits

is n't life so facscinating????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
