Variable Boyd

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Variable Boyd
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Jan 2, 2020

Variable Boyd is a project in the remix tree. It is the second project in turtlehat's branch of the Second Challenge, meaning it was made in only twenty minutes.


The Guitaf has sprouted distorted legs and is walking on a sandy landscape, with a fridge interior floating around and changing colors in the background. Over everything, there is an insane amount of variables, making the screen practically impossible to see with any clarity. Under the morass of variables, the game invites the player to use the A and D keys to control it, but if they try, an unreadable message appears and the Guitaf doesn't move. However, the player can can control the Guitaf using arrow keys, and thus walk to the end of the landscape.

After the Guitaf starts walking, a voice can be heard making silly buzzing noises, and a bunch of clouds labeled "CLOUD" start jittering around on the screen, still barely visible thanks to all the variables. When the Guitaf reaches the end of the landscape, whooshing sounds start playing, and the Guitaf starts rushing upwards through a white void. Avocado Ian's ghostly image appears, severely distorting the Guitaf's appearance. The Guitaf continues to fly up, claiming it's going to Boyd's world, as it turns into a squirrel. As the transformation takes place, Boyd's voice is briefly heard saying "squirrel!"


Remixed from

Remixed into


  • There are too many pointless variables to name, but some interesting ones include:
    • all pronouns in Spanish and English
    • the entire text of Apple Butt I
    • "references count"
    • one just named "frank"
    • "HELP ME" (set to a negative quantity), as well as two variables set to 0: "Helpness" and "Amount of help"




oh yæoo

Sometimes you just gotta... sit back, hence why I have deleted the background in this project and replaced the intense music with calming ambience. This should releaive any worries you have about the content. project the of

Notes and Credits

12 karat Aple but (with pear impurities