Main branch: Difference between revisions

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File:thumb71.png|[[Hat, Turtle. "The Asthma of the Void, LEAKY LUKEY." /Scratch.owo.dio/, The Comic Irregulars, 26 Oct. 1490]]
File:thumb71.png|[[Hat, Turtle. "The Asthma of the Void, LEAKY LUKEY." /Scratch.owo.dio/, The Comic Irregulars, 26 Oct. 1490]]
File:thumb72.png|[[my head hurts]]
File:thumb72.png|[[my head hurts]]
File:thumb74.png|[[Irresponsible Uchūu Spaceship Tomato SSX of my Youngth]]
File:thumb75.png|[[JoJo'z Bizzare Aventuer ep 20 free streaming - Young Xæzar TVRip 2008]]
File:thumb76.png|[[Riding Bean Fanart!! \(^O^)/]]
File:thumb77.png|[[Ze Çenpai of Remoices! NRG Edition]]
File:thumb79.png|[[Neon Cryber Ultra Angel! Ready for Battle Bean]]
File:thumb82.png|[[Duel! Legacy of Spirit Sword]]
File:thumb83.png|[[Shirley you can't be the Shirley of ShirlyShire,!]]
File:thumb84.png|[[Contains 1 (One) Shirley Temple Mix and 2 (Two) Maraschino Cherries]]
File:thumb86.png|[[Missed Eggs Isle 12% Speedrun Glitchless]]
File:thumb87.png|[[Increase Happyness]]
File:thumb88.png|[[let's together sad]]
File:thumb89.png|[[Top20 BEST Coilguns available ON MARKEt for LEsS than 1221512$!!!!]]
File:thumb90.png|[[Wow! Now That'S SurprisIng]]
File:thumb93.png|[[Dungeons a&d Dragons Episode 23: Jouta's Final Showdown!]]
File:thumb97.png|[[ELO - TWILITE sic MAP!!! ACCEPTING ENTRIES X3]]
File:thumb99.png|[[my entrie for the twilight map]]
File:thumb50.png|[[Wholly Cow, or "The Time I Played Fifty-Two Hours of Mirror's Edge in One Go"]]


Revision as of 01:42, 3 October 2023

The main branch is a string of remices in the remix tree considered to be the core of the tree for a long time, stretching from [WARRIORS AMV] Despacito :3 to Cold Busters - Frank Response. It was considered to contain all projects that had been made with the intention of contributing to that main string, thus including some projects which were technically not part of that string of remices, such as Pico's Bizarre Adventure 2. Those projects are marked as "peripheral" on this page.

Eventually, projects in the main branch slowed down, and the tree became much more of a free-for-all; after a period of time, the main branch was declared over.


It contains the following projects: