Water You Doing?: The Life Cycle of Water

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Water You Doing?: The Life Cycle of Water
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Nov 18, 2019

Water You Doing?: The Life Cycle of Water is a project in the remix tree. It is the fifty-ninth project in the main branch, and one of only three main branch projects to be published between the First and Second Challenge.


A letter D floats around in front of a video game leaderboard as chiptune music plays and the word "YEET" is shown in the background. Several copies of Asriel Dreemurr from Undertale are also present. In the corner, a disembodied voice cycles between ten silly quotes.

When the player presses space, the D turns into a cloud. It says "h-h-h-h-hey" and rains down chunks of water. Frank tells the viewer it's time to start learning about the water cycle, and a very repetitive educational song about the water cycle starts playing. The water evaporates and turns into clouds, which rain more and perpetuate the cycle until eventually all the water evaporates and becomes a big floating mass of cloud.

The song keeps playing for a while, and turtlehat slowly appears in the background, revealing the disembodied voice to be his own. When the song is over, Frank writes "this project" in the Death Note, and 40 seconds later the project ends.


Remixed from

Remixed into


  • The song used in this project was shown to AngieJones in class, which is how the remixers found out about it.
  • The lyrics listed in the Notes and Credits were written live as the song played, hence their growing incoherency as the song goes on – ZiqwerkelSharda's transcription was growing progressively out-of-sync with the actual song, and she was desperately attempting to get back in sync.
  • One of turtlehat's randomized quotes is "Oh boy, Paula's not gonna like this". This was in reference to a now-abandoned lore idea ZiqwerkelSharda had at the time, where the Crazy Noisy Showdown would have resulted in Paula and her friends being completely freed from the remix world, and subsequently becoming its overseers.
    • This was also referenced in the code of Increase Happyness, which has an image of Paula thinking "Freedom...?"
    • These headcanons would be somewhat contradicted by these characters' casual reappearances in later projects such as the Reddit Saga.
  • Another quote reminds the player to watch "Dirt: The Movie", which ZiqwerkelSharda had to watch for a class. This was not the first Dirt: The Movie reference in the remix tree, that instead being dQw4w9WgXcQ.
    • The "daily reminder to watch" quote structure is also a reference to TriadHero117's daily reminders to watch Dr. Stone.
  • "Hat inspection time" references a running gag AngieJones and turtlehat had where the former would surprise the latter by saying "hat inspection". To pass hat inspection, turtlehat would have to wear their hat in a new, unique configuration each time.
  • In the fictional dub of the remix tree, this project is renamed "Don't Rain on My Parade!".[1]




Shown in a cool, comprehensive way so the kidz can understand! Educate your kids now with this super epic video about how to water!

Notes and Credits


The water cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and down and all around the earth
The water cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and down and all aroudn the earth
The water cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and down and all around the earth
The water cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and down and all around the earth

Evaporation comes when the heat from the sun
Warmps up all the fhground water then it turnws to vaper
Over it goes up to the cloudsl
Water vpairw cols down andnti changes liwuifd eno

PRrecipitation happens when th dro ps get big
Falls like rain snow sTDR
CHApyne again
Ivpaoration Condensation Precipitation

The water cycle
Takes the water and moves it uP and down
And all around the earth
Frh water cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and down and all around the aerth
WEvapitaion comes fro whson
Warms up al the ground water sturn vapor
Condnesnation takes over it goes up to the clouds
Water vapor cools down and it changes to a liuquid

Drops get big
Forms like rains now sleet hail upon my ehad
I know it's the water cycle happening again
Evaporation condensation precipitation
The water cycleT
akes the water and moves it up and dnaown and all around the aeth
The water cyclcle
Taeks the water wantmo vies
Up and down and all around the earth
Evaporation comes
Whren the head from the sun
Warmp sup aground water
Turns to vapor
Vondcendation takes over it goes up to the cloouds
Water vpaor cools DOWN and it changes to a luqid
Drops Get Big
Falls like arin snow sleet abup head
I know it's the water cycle happening again
Evaporation condensation precipitation

The water cycle
Takes the water and movies it up
And adown and all around
The Eath
 TWater Cycle
Tes the Water MOVESI TIu p
ADOwn nd alround the arth

Cyc le
Takes the water and moves itu p
And down and all around the earth
The water ycel
Takes the water and moves it up
And dnown an d All around the earth

