Great-Grand Daddy Yankee

From Crazy Noisy Remix Tree Wiki
Revision as of 00:20, 2 October 2024 by Winter Sharda (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center>{{Quote|Rápido, Rápido|origin=source}}</center>{{Infobox|Great-Grand Daddy Yankee| {{ibw|1000x250px}} {{ib|Pronouns|he/him}} {{ib|Stats|+16 Music Skills<br>+20 Charisma<br>-2 Eggplants}} {{ib|Family|Daddy Yankee (great-grandchild) {{ib|First Appearance|Life of the Pacifist}} {{ib|Source Media|Real life}} }} '''Great-Grand Daddy Yankee''' is a character in Das Pacito AMV Warriors, ori...")
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Rápido, Rápido


{{Infobox|Great-Grand Daddy Yankee|

+16 Music Skills
+20 Charisma
-2 Eggplants
Daddy Yankee (great-grandchild)
First Appearance
Source Media

Great-Grand Daddy Yankee is a character in Das Pacito AMV Warriors, originally from real life. He is a musician recruited by the Das Pacitos, and is credited with coming up with the group's name along with Luis Frosty (who was the actual one to think of the name).

He is presumably the great-grandfather of Daddy Yankee.


He was enlisted into the Das Pacitos, and attended the first meeting in the IHOP atop Mount Everest. Other than a brief and obnoxious appearance by James D. Rockefeller, the meeting was incredibly boring, and ended in a speech from Karl Marx about why everyone should eat potato salad.[1]

