remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remi

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remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remi
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Mar 21, 2018

remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remi is a project in the remix tree, and the eleventh in the main branch.


The player walks through the wastelands, eventually ending up at a door which they must unlock with the code 1-2-3, using the same buttons as the previous project. Once inside the building, they are confronted with a world of emojis, where Scratch Cat and Anina Arquaz are also present. ZiqwerkelSharda tells the viewer to click a button for help, and upon pressing it the viewer will hear her poorly singing Despacito.


Remixed from

Remixed into


  • This still being early days for the remix tree, ZiqwerkelSharda was rather resistant to change too much about a project at once; thus, sea had a slight disdain for the complete reset button that I broke it again. entailed. This project was thus structured the way it was in order to merge I broke it again. and I fixed it. back into one and undo the reset somewhat.




Heljnabo enveraonye! Thnins is my ofirst garhapmvpc afvnveutnasure gameem! I basefasnd it off a Ke9wjrivkt Weekenad in wWeeekdn adin Cawpree and iI OHPe you LALLiKE it !!!!!! :3;3;3#:#:#:#:3#33

Notes and Credits

I'm so sorry