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Franke as Linda from Phineas and Ferb.

Frank's original appearance.
Other Names
First Appearance
Source Media

Frank, known as Franke once he takes on the appearance of Linda from Phineas and Ferb, is a character in the remix tree. He generally holds a disdain for the ridiculousness of the remix world, and often has to contend with Fugo's antics.

He was one of the three known survivors of the Grunkle Impact.


He appeared proclaiming that the tree should be stopped[1] twice in a row.[2]

At one point, he demanded a stop to things, and the Guitaf flew into his hands.[3]

He attempted to stop a song that was playing during a remix, which wasn't to his taste. However, turtlehat overwrote him and restored the song.[4] Along with Dan and two copies of Anina Arquaz, the pair were then present for Grunkle Stan's causing of the Fourth Impact.[5]

