Grunkle Stan

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Revision as of 05:07, 15 July 2024 by Winter Sharda (talk | contribs)
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Grunkle Stan
First Appearance
Source Media
Gravity Falls

Grunkle Stan is a character from Gravity Falls who appears in the remix tree. He has never appeared physically, only as dialogue, but he is notable for being the cause of the Grunkle Impact, an apocalyptic event that destroyed the remix world.


As the bus navigated a strange button-filled world, the voices of Grunkle Stan and his grandnephew Dipper were heard having a dialogue about Grunkle Stan being unable to see due to his cataracts.[1]

Despite turtlehat's protests, he later caused the Grunkle Impact,[2] destroying all life in the remix world except for Dan, Frank, and Vincent Tong.[3]

