mri chriztmuz 20201 yesyesyes
mri chriztmuz 20201 yesyesyes is a project in the remix tree, and the sixty-third project in the main branch. It is the second project in ZiqwerkelSharda's branch of the Second Challenge, meaning it was made in only twenty minutes.
In front of a backwards tin of Altoids mints, the Guitaf stands while a wizard says "yeet yurt". A song from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls plays in the background. Avocado Ian appears several times, each time distorting the Guitaf more, until eventually it turns into a messed-up version of Avocado Ian. After one more appearance of Ian, the music is replaced with Feliz Navidad, and Ian starts jittering all over the screen as various sound effects play in the background. Several red blobs also cloud up the background, one having the appearance of Snape on it.
Remixed from
Remixed into
press a and d then watch
Notes and Credits
My Butt has an apple ON IT!!!! I eat the apple. It is warm and juicy. Oh no! I just took a bite of my warm and juicy Butt!