
From Crazy Noisy Remix Tree Wiki
Revision as of 20:43, 7 August 2024 by Winter Sharda (talk | contribs)
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First Appearance
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The Guitaf is a character in the remix tree who is a walking guitar.


The Guitaf was initially legless. When Frank proclaimed it was time to stop the remix, it flew into his hands, and the player could play notes off it.[1] In a repetition of these events, the guitaf turned purple and became distorted, and would only play screaming and sneezing noises.[2] It later returned in order to stop a lesson about the water cycle, proclaiming that Frank would be dehydrated for the whole quarter, and if it was a problem he could take it up with the CEO.[3]

It sprouted legs and walked across a sandy landscape near a gigantic fridge door, and Avocado Ian's image kept passing over it, causing it to become progressively more distorted. When it reached the end of the landscape, its legs started floating in midair, and it jittered around independently from its legs as a chaotic mishmash of sounds and images came into being behind it.[4] Another time walking across the landscape, it encountered its house, but couldn't come in. It called its friend Thumbnail for help, but the two were on opposite sides of the house, and couldn't hear each other; the pair ended up in a perpetual loop of asking the other to come over to their side so they could hear each other.[5]

In yet another instance of its walk across the sandy landscape, it suddenly found itself flying off into space, to its surprise.[6]

