Killer Queen

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Killer Queen
Stray Cat (partner)
First Appearance
Source Media
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Killer Queen is a character originally from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure who appears in the remix tree.

It also exists in a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure AU created by turtlehat, in which it falls in love with Stray Cat.



Killer Queen's Stand, Milkcan.



Killer Queen was an OC created by Hirohiko Araki in real life[1], who submitted it to an OC reviewer on Scratch. The reviewer gave it a high rating, sparking jealousy in Matthew Rockefeller, whose OCs had received a low rating. Matthew decided to take revenge by trapping the highest-rated OCs inside a world of insanity; using their Stand, they created the remix tree, which contained a fictional universe where Killer Queen and the other highest-rated OCs lived. From Killer Queen's perspective, it had always lived in this fictional remix world, and now the absurdity was simply ramping up as the Scratch users portrayed more and more ridiculous things in their projects.[2]

The tree's beginnings

In several projects, it appeared in the mouth of Face the Consequences,[3] and later blew it up using a bomb ability called Bites the Dust.[4]

With Ian and Paula

Later on, Killer Queen joined up with Ian and Paula in a Five Nights at Freddy's parody, attacking the player.[5] This trio would continue into the next few remices, where the three cosplayed Pillar Men from JoJo's,[6] then characters from Shrek,[7] and celebrated ZiqwerkelSharda's birthday.[8]



