the plural of remices is remiceses
the plural of remices is remiceses is a project in the remix tree. Its development began long before publication, and it was eventually finished and shared.
A recap card appears, shaking in time with distorted music; it exposits that Avocado Ian and his sidekick have uncovered a plot by Toast, who has hypnotized Ian and plans to dispose of Paula. A title card appears saying that this is "episode 7: Avocado Tendency", and the player must then complete a captcha to start the project proper. When the project starts, the player controls Paula, who must navigate to a self-duplicating toaster and turn it off, while Toast tells Ian in a distorted voice to kill Paula; Ian spins around the area, killing Paula if she touches him. If the player disables the toaster, Toast screams and disappears, and Ian is released from his control; Paula and Ian then enter the bus and happily go off to the next adventure. An end card declares that "the ending is now".
Remixed from
Remixed into
Only certified may view this project.
Be careful, when you pinch Wendy's pennies, they pinch back!
Notes and Credits