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Jan 2, 2020

is a project in the remix tree, and the sixty-fifth project in the main branch. It is the fourth and final project in ZiqwerkelSharda's branch of the Second Challenge, meaning it was made in only twenty minutes.


In front of a grassy landscape, the Guitaf and a triceratops are present. Guitaf changes into Champ99, and starts talking about how Kousuke is hotter, as an infinite tunnel of Champ99s makes its way onto the scene. A yellow cloud appears in the background, and all sorts of sounds play with obnoxious frequency: a babbling text-to-speech voice, squeaking, and a voice saying "hey".


Remixed from

Remixed into


  • The title is a reference to a bug that ZiqwerkelSharda, AngieJones, turtlehat, and fishfritters encountered when collectively attempting to edit a Google Doc; in the font they were using, certain ligatures such as "fi" or "ffl" were replaced with ✎.
  • "Kousuke is hotter" is a response to a previous project in the branch, where Ian said Yeong-Gi (from the same webcomic as Kousuke) was hot.
  • In the fictional dub of the remix tree, this project is renamed "How to Write an Apology!" in reference to a similarly-named track on the OST to the anime "New Dominion Tank Police".[1]




"Even slower than stealth gameplay is no gameplay. However, just because a character is standing still doesn't mean he has to do nothing. An idle animation that plays while a character isn't moving, triggered after a few seconds of the player being idle. Did you see that? How the word describing the players in-action is also the name of the move? Pretty clever, those early video game designers." Rogers, Scott. "Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design" (Now I won't get banned for plagiarism)
