r/AvocadoAdventure (Game Only w/ Score)
r/AvocadoAdventure (Game Only w/ Score)
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Feb 19, 2021
r/AvocadoAdventure (Game Only w/ Score) is a project in the remix tree. It takes the "Pong Difficult Bro" game from the end of the previous project and isolates it into its own game.
A game of pong where a red diver tries to stop Avocado Ian, which bounces off of her, from reaching the bottom of the screen. If he reaches the bottom, the game says "u ded". If the player presses space, the diver freezes and a laughing sound effect plays.
Reddit Saga
See Reddit Saga.
Remixed from
Remixed into
for all your pong difficult bro record-setting needs use mouse obvs </poem>