Template:Relationships/Matthew and Paula

From Crazy Noisy Remix Tree Wiki
Revision as of 22:53, 16 August 2024 by Winter Sharda (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Paula was one of the OCs rated higher than Matthew's OC Gloryclaw, and as such was added to the remix tree in an act of hatred and vengeance by Matthew.<ref name="head">my head hurts</ref> When the two eventually met face-to-face, Paula was very confrontational with Matthew due to their general attitude towards the remix tree,<ref name="despace">Luis Iglesias - Despose of DeSpace ft. Ice Ichtung Baby and Survivor, the weakest Stand</ref>, and after...")
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Paula was one of the OCs rated higher than Matthew's OC Gloryclaw, and as such was added to the remix tree in an act of hatred and vengeance by Matthew.[1] When the two eventually met face-to-face, Paula was very confrontational with Matthew due to their general attitude towards the remix tree,[2], and after Matthew killed her brother she freaked out and KO'd Matthew.[3] After that, Paula's attitude switched to sheer ambivalence towards Matthew,[1] though Matthew still hated her and the other OCs.[4]