Wow! Now That'S SurprisIng
Wow! Now That'S SurprisIng is a project in the remix tree, and the forty-fifth in the main branch.
The player stands on a bench over a seaside town, with a strange viewfinder machine in front of them, and a remixed version of the Globglogabgalab song playing. Several silly images from various media slide around behind the viewfinder spouting gibberish composed of English words. The viewfinder laughs and tells the viewer it will laugh if it's not spun; the viewer must keep their mouse pointer on the viewfinder, which makes it spin, or otherwise it will laigh. When they look in the viewfinder, they see a cozy town,v pointing towards which is a caption saying "alien dwelling". They can zoom in further to see a dock.
A cutscene plays, with a bass-boosted and volume-amplified version of the normal Globglogabgalab song playing in the background. Melone walks onto the dock, tells the viewer about Home Alone 5's release date, and walks away. A screen calls this "Melone Alone: Part One", then corrects itself to call it "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", then scribbles the whole thing out just to say that this will not be showing in theaters because the creators are so protective of their property rights. The screen shakes around indefinitely.
Remixed from
Remixed into
- Cozy Glow (depicted in background image only)
- Joshu Higashikata (depicted in background image only)
- fishfritters (depicted in background image only)
- Melone
OIm Bafled
Notes and Credits
I'm baffled*
Spell it right for once, idot.