G-Man is a character in the remix tree, originally from Half-Life.
He appeared in a dark subway next to a portal, and met Gordon and Corporal Shephard both independently; he commended both for entering the portal.
- They're waiting for you Gordon
- The only solution
- hl2_osx has stopped working.
- meme_machine_remix_w_scribbles.exe has stopped working.
- Despito the Musical but uh I don't really understand that well I'm not that smart you know (silhouette only)
- dance party!
- Despito the Musical - Vanilla on Ice! HD 180p Trailer (depiction in intro only)
- Luis Iglesias - Despose of DeSpace ft. Ice Ichtung Baby and Survivor, the weakest Stand (depiction in intro only)
- great remix cover (depiction in cover image only)
- Hat, Turtle. "The Asthma of the Void, LEAKY LUKEY." /Scratch.owo.dio/, The Comic Irregulars, 26 Oct. 1490 (depiction in intro only)