untitled_279 is a Scratch platformer game created by fishfritters, unrelated to the remix tree but which has become part of the culture surrounding it. Where Pico's Bizarre Adventure 2 attempted to satirize Scratch platformers, untitled_279 was a more earnest tribute to the genre, and 2000's internet culture in general. To that end, it used many popular songs from the 2000's, as well as sprites available in Scratch 1.4, the version fishfritters and turtlehat used at a young age.
It is the first project in the untitled tree.
Level guide
The player controls an untitled girl who must make her way to the end of each level while avoiding lava, as well as various creatures which have lava-colored outlines. Throughout the whole game, popular and/or memed songs from the 2000's play in the background.
The player first travels through a tennis field with tennis balls abound, then they make their way to a sciency building and must traverse terrain made out of cubes. Occasionally, they meet dancers, and eventually come across Cassy, who warns them of the Groovy Goblin, a creature who teleports from place to place and who will kill the player if they touch it. Once the player gets past the Goblin, they find themselves in a decorated theater, and after that, a fire station with bricks abound.
Eventually, the player comes across a garden. Ed, Jay, and Cassy congratulate the player, who is then teleported to another world. The untitled girl shrinks and smiles wide, and now has an increased range of motion; they navigate around a series of much safer but more complex levels. At the end, they meet their untitled partner, and Cassy greets them once more with a poignant "Coagulations!"
Remixed into
Click the green flag to start the game.
When restarting the game, be sure to click the green flag at least twice if you want the game to work normally.
Notes and Credits
Well, it sure took a while but it's finally here! I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you enjoy playing the game as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Music credits:
009 Sound System - Dreamscape
Darude - Sandstorm
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei
Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now
ParagonX9 - Chaoz Fantasy
Eduard Khil - I am Very Glad, as I'm Finally Returning Back Home
Medieval2 - Stock Scratch Sound Effects