Party Paint Joutaro
Party Paint Joutaro, also spelled Jotaro, is a character in the remix tree, originally from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. He travels through dimensions with FE Melone.
Melone told him about Home Alone 5's release date, and the two then went through a portal together.[1] They then arrived in an alternate dimension, where they met PopularMMOS and GamingWithJen. Joutaro checked the release date of Home Alone 5, and it turned out to be a year earlier than in the remix world, much to Joutaro's horror.[2] They then visited a dimension which was very much the same, except everything (including them) was a spinning globe.[3]
In the next dimension they visited, the duo met Jay and Elle, along with an alternate version of Gloryclaw. Gloryclaw revealed that Joutaro's lunchables had expired in the BCE era, to Joutaro's horror; however, the two then left that dimension after being weirded out by Jay and Elle's babbling.[4] The next dimension they encountered was a remix-themed AMV submission for supastar02496's MAP contest, which Dio Brando crustyfied, causing them to leave.[5]
- Unlike his canon counterpart, or even the other Jotaro in the Arboremistus, he explicitly does not have a Stand.[6]
- Dungeons a&d Dragons Episode 23: Jouta's Final Showdown!
- Untitled-776
- Gyro Zeppeli plays Fallout 776
- Nani Nani Nani
- my entrie for the twilight map