Crazy Noisy Showdown
The Crazy Noisy Showdown is a story arc in the remix tree, the first major attempt at doing something story-based within the context of the remix world. It features Xx_warriercatz_xX confronting Paula, Avocado Ian, and Toast at the Crazy Noisy Street Corner, and laid the groundwork for much of the later remix lore.
Paula, Toast, and Ian are hanging out together at the Crazy Noisy Street Corner. Avocado Ian mentions how he's been getting closer to Anina lately, implying a crush; Paula points out that she recently tried to kill him, and Ian shrugs it off. Suddenly, Xx_warriercatz_xX appears, lamenting how chaotic the remix tree as a whole has gotten. Paula takes charge of the situation and summons Crazy Remic, but Xx_warriercatz_xX pulls out a gun.